Sunday Service
Exodus 23:20-30 We are in the promise land - we have to overcome
John 10:10 The enemy is after your mind, will and emotions
Hivites The spirit of fear, terror
Fear that you know and the what if fear example if you have a pain in your body, you might have thoughts that says it could be cancer
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon form against you will proser
Perizzites spirit is - unwalled cities, unprotected, they like staying small, have a limited vision of themselves, less likely to dream big, or think outside the box, see themselves small, a word that they use is I can't
2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 9:5-8
Jesus restores our identity, our purpose, in him Jesus destroying low self-esteem, Jesus elevates vision, gives a heavenly purpose, learn total dependance on God.
Ezekeil 38:11-
Watch your gates your mind will emotions
Proverbs 25:28
Must renew mind with word of God
Psalm 91
Proverbs 18:14 MSG
Ephesians 4:27 watch your mouth
Romans 12:1-2