Sunday Service
Exodus 23:20-30 KJV
We have the power and the authority to overcome the enemy
All authority in Jesus' name, cast them out, lay hands on the sick
Romans 8:11 Same power
Canaanites spirit - trackers, Pedder, he shows you how money can betray you, deals with material things, people pleasers, we are called to please Jesus alone
Hittites spirit - tent dweller, lives conform to the Worlds's system, walks in if it feels good do it
Ephesians 2:2 in the past walked according to the course of this world - children of disobedience
Luke 15:11
God's plan is that we live in His way, because that's where life is
Hivites says feed my flesh
1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world
Jesus first
Genesis 34:1-2
Proverbs 14:12 ways of man are death
Isaiah 48:17 The Lord leads us in the way to go